Generate a PFX
This tool converts a private key and the corresponding certificate into a PFX file.
1. Private key
Upload or drag the file containing the private key of your web server (in PEM format) below:
This value is required
2. Site certificate
Upload or drag the file containing the certificate corresponding to the private key (in PEM format) below:
This value is required
3. Intermediate CA certificate (optional)
If available, upload or drag the file containing the intermediate CA certificate (in PEM format) below:
This value is required
4. Choose your password
Choose a password to protect the PFX file which you will get at the end of the process:
Enter password
The password must contain more than 8 characters, at least one uppercase and one lowercase, at least one number and one special character among !#$%&()*+,./-:;=?[]_{|}@
Retype password

Please select the field below.
Error validating CAPTCHA.

The private key has an invalid PEM format
The certificate has an invalid PEM format
The CA certificate has an invalid PEM format
Errore nella generazione